Fed up with the image, the significance and the arrogance of the buildings of housing in the cities, bored of irresponsible monumentality, of unwary form and the monotonous repetition of the constructed, we propose a different register look on the housing project.
It would be possible to send the housing project to new conditions of living, in which the city as collective space and sociability space complements and even replaced elements and conditions from traditional domesticity.
If the collective housing is porous it is not only for a strictly formal condition but also for the evidence of technological connections that make it permeable. The dwellings are transparent from the technological viewpoint, controlled through multiple devices whose uses, unsuspecting, bring us closer to a society uniformed to exhaustion.
In any case and in front of the set of relationships that occur in the network, to the theory of virtual sociability, it is possible to continue pursuing on building a close physical relations society and therefore complement these two societies that offer us advantages together. The community as a basis of collective solidarity does not exclude technological transparency society. Perhaps it is possible to affirm that new collective and community housing serves as a ethical basis for a new commitment to society. The new housing builds a chain of solidarity.
We are in an intermediate state, as it has always been, in a situation of strange lack of definition. We have produced, in the developed societies, a space and building of high quality standards and we keep repeating until be feed up that liberal creed.
We propose a reflection not on supposedly private part of housing but on those places in which occurs the sociability: The Intermediate States. Thus the entry halls, stairs, garages, roofs, those second places that appear as a waste of the stacking of housing units can become, within the reflection of new uses, in a fuze to reset obsolete buildings. In the same manner hallways, lofts, thresholds, lobbies and galleries... places of passages and again waste, can also become a potential transformer. What is not thought, what is discarded, useless, the despicable... What a good stuff to work with!
T1 Assignment_ Atlas of Intermediate States
Atlas of Intermediate States. Research, draw and analysis of different proposals of collective housing in which intermediate spaces are important.
Select one of the case studies to work on and to transform, analysis of site relations.
General site 1/2000 - 1/500, analysis, programs, opportunities.
Plans at 1/200. Photo - diagrams
Monday, March 19th
10.00_ Lecture: Presentation, Intermediate States in the work of Amann-Canovas-Maruri
11.00_ Lecture: Design objectives and work Schedule
11.30_ Coffee break
12.00_14.00_ Students work on T1
14.00_15.00_ Lunch Break
15.00_18.30_ Students work on T1
18.40_19.00_ Coffee break
19.00_21.00_Table critics+ Students work on T1
Tuesday, March 20th
10.00_11.30_ Students work on T1
11.30_12.00_ Coffee break
12.00_14.00_ Students work on T1
14.00_15.00_ Lunch Break
15.00_17.00_ Presentation T1 assignment
T2 Assignment_ Transformation A
Define the parts of the building to be transform. Define the lobby not as a control space but as a intermediate space between the public part of the city and the collective part of the building. Propose common services for ground level and related levels – upper and under-, and around the site.
Plans at 1/200
Photomontage of different proposals + diagrams,
Tuesday, March 20th
17.30h. Short lecture.Looks on contemporary habitat
18.40_19.00_ Coffee break
19.00_21.00_Table critics+ Students work on T3
Wenesday, March 21th
10.00_11.30_ Students work on T2
11.30_12.00_ Coffee break
12.00_14.00_ Students work on T2
14.00_15.00_ Lunch Break
15.00_17.00_ Presentation T2 assignment
T3 Assignment_ Transformation B
Intermendiate connections.
Analysis of Stairs – corridors – elevators – ramps – social spaces and propose new way to connect and interact.
Plans at 1/200-1/100
Photomontage of different proposals + diagrams
Wenesday, March 21th
17.30h. Short lecture. Looks on contemporary habitat.2
18.40_19.00_ Coffee break
19.00_21.00_Table critics+ Students work on T3
Thursday, March 22th
10.00_11.30_ Students work on T3
11.30_12.00_ Coffee break
12.00_14.00_ Students work on T3
14.00_15.00_ Lunch Break
15.00_17.00_ Presentation T3 assignment
T4 Assignment_ Transformation C + Final presentation
Tops and covers. Final presentation
The work over the tops of the buildings. Balconies, views, services, extra space.
Model of the building to transform.
Thursday, March 22th
17.30h. Short lecture. Looks on contemporary habitat.2
18.40_19.00_ Coffee break
19.00_21.00_Table critics+ Students work on T4
Friday, March 23th
10.00_11.30_ Students work on final presentation
11.30_12.00_ Coffee break
12.00_14.00_ Students work on final presentation
14.00_15.00_ Lunch Break
15.00_16.00_ final presentation previous
Friday, March 23th
16.00_ Students – final presentation – 2 guest critics
20.00_ End final presentation
21.00_ celebration
Model proposal
A3_ booklet document preparation and final work
ppt presentation
Case studies:
Dwellings in M-30_ el Ruedo. Sáenz de Oíza
Dwellings in Basílica Street, Cano Laso.
Saconia. Perpiñá, Iglesias y de Miguel
Dwellings in Alcobendas. Manuel de las Casas
Dwellings in Carabanchel. Amann-Cánovas-Maruri
Groups size:
4 groups of 4 people, 1 group of 3 people
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MCH Directors
Dr. José María de Lapuerta and Dr. Elli Mosayebi
MCH Manager
Camilo Meneses
MCH Executive Assistant
Celia Ramón
e-mail: info@mchmaster.com
phone:+34 910 674 860 // +34 689 74 68 54
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Avda. Juan Herrera 4. 28040, Madrid. Spain