Housing and urban political economy

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Polytecnic of Turin, former postdoctoral researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2016-2022). PhD in Geography from the University of Manchester. Melissa's research untangles lived experiences of housing financialisation and collective struggles towards housing justice, as well as the financial and real estate related dimensions of urban green inequalities. She is a co-founder and editorial collective member of the Radical Housing Journal, and author of Non-Performing Loans, Non-Performing People: Life and Struggle with Mortgage Debt in Spain (2022, University of Georgia Press).


Latest publications

2022. García-Lamarca, M. Non-Performing Loans, Non-Performing People: Life and Struggle with Mortgage Debt in Spain. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.

2022. García-Lamarca, M. et al. Urban green grabbing: Residential real estate developers discourse and practice in gentrifying Global North neighborhoods. Geoforum. 

2021. Co-authored chapters on Glasgow (with Neil Gray) and Montreal (with Aaron Vansintjan) and Conclusion (with J.J.T. Connolly, I. Anguelovski & E. Oscilowicz) in Anguelovski, I. and Connolly, J.J.T. (eds). The Green City and Social Injustice: 21 Tales from North American and Europe. Routledge. 

2021. García-Lamarca, M. Real estate crisis resolution regimes and residential REITs: emerging socio-spatial impacts in Barcelona, Housing Studies.

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