8 meses de Clase
Entrega Final en Diciembre
ETSA Madrid, España
+Viajes de estudio
Clases: 19.03.25
a 14.11.25
Trabajo final: 16.12.25
21.800 €
The MCH is not just a “master degree” but a constant challenge through every specialty and workshop.
For me the best part of the master is when you get to interact closer to the architects by visiting their offices, making field trips and actually standing in projects made by them.
Through hard working sessions with colleagues in multiple workshops and seminar classes, we developed broad and in-depth knowledge.
This is what I was searching for; no competitiveness (bad one), just enjoying the intense process, learning from very different countries and workflows, and clarifying what I want for my future after some years of professional experience.
I would like to highlight that the study trip to Zurich was one of the best experiences of the masters. Not only because of the great organization and the incredible places we visited, but also for the unforgettable moments of friendship.
The Master of Architecture in Collective Housing is an intense and enriching experience, a turning point for any professional who wants to incorporate new ways of thinking, methodologies and knowledge, not only related to the field of collective housing, but also to architecture itself.
Enseñando sobre vivienda,
ciudad y estudios energéticos
Que han experimentado la
excelencia de nuestro programa
Estudiantes internaiconales provenientes de los 5 continentes
© 2006-2024 MCH y su logo son marcas registradas.
Directores MCH
Dr. José María de Lapuerta y Dr. Elli Mosayebi
Manager MCH
Camilo Meneses
MCH Executive Assistant
Celia Ramón
e-mail: info@mchmaster.com
teléfono:+34 910 674 860 // +34 689 74 68 54
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Avda. Juan Herrera 4. 28040, Madrid. Spain