Bevk Perović arhitekti was founded by Matija Bevk, b. 1972, (graduated from Faculty of Architecture University of Ljubljana) and Vasa J. Perović, b. 1965, (graduated from Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade, YU; Master’s degree from Berlage Institute, Amsterdam). They work, alongside with the international team of 15 young architects, on a diverse range of projects, in different European countries. 

Since its beginnings the studio received wide international recognition. They have been awarded numerous national and international prizes - European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Emerging Architect Award, Kunstpreis Berlin, Plečnik Prize, Piranesi Award, etc. 

The work of bevk perovic arhitekti is characterized by continuous research into programmes and possibilities of their reinterpretations in contemporary architectural practice. In order to understand and comprehend their work, one must examine their ‘dedicated choice’ to follow conditions in which a building emerges. These conditions range from political and social, to environmental and material - their simple, yet complex architectural solutions strive to answer those conditions beyond bare function.

Bevk Perović arhitekti
Housing projects
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