Andrea Deplazes (1960, Chur) is a Professor of Architecture and Construction at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) of Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and member of the Bundes Schweizer Architekten (BSA). As co-owner of the architectural firm Bearth + Deplazes in Chur, Switzerland, his renown extends far beyond Switzerland’s borders and so do his publications, among which we could highlight the followings:

  • Constructing Architecture – a Handbook (2008)
  • Architektur + Konstruktion I/II (2007)
  • 1:1 Metal Works. Eine digital-analoge Baustelle (2007)
  • 1:1 Woodworks Ein experimenteller. Massivbau (2003).

Andrea Deplazes - Proyectos

Tower House, Sevgein

Architects: Bearth & Deplazes Architekten

Location: Sevgein, Switzerland

Year: 1999

Images/text from:


By the Architects:

Tower house in a clear­ing in the forest with a view into the Vorder­rhe­intal. Wood con­struc­tion with cross-set floors fol­low­ing the to­po­graphy. This res­ults in gen­er­ous spa­tial con­nec­tions in the in­terior des­pite the par­ti­tioned struc­ture. The owner cut and stained the wood pan­el­ing him­self.

Tower House, Fläsch

Architects: Bearth & Deplazes Architekten

Location: Fläsch, Switzerland

Year: 2001

Images/text from:


By the Architects:

A tower house at the edge of the vil­lage, con­tain­ing the street area in the trans­ition to the vine­yards. The walls are cast single shell in in­su­lat­ing con­crete with rough-sawn panel in­su­la­tion. In­terior white-coated with thin, lime sludge. Kit­chen with seat­ing area in the garden, open liv­ing space un­der the roof.


Apartment House Arcadas

Architects: Bearth & Deplazes Architekten

Location: Landquart, Switzerland

Year: 2014

Images/text from:


By the Architects:

Eight-story slab house in ex­posed con­crete. Bor­ders the town cen­ter of Landquart to the north from the open fields of the Bünd­ner Herrschaft and in the south, to­gether with the en­semble of ÖKK’s of­fice build­ing, en­closes a court­yard with garden. The con­domin­i­ums, with log­gia on both sides framed by arched open­ings open­ing the view into the city or the coun­tryside, per­meate the nar­row build­ing with their liv­ing spaces.

Monte Rosa Hutte

Architects: Bearth & Deplazes Architekten

Location: Gorner Glacier, 3920, Switzerland

Year: 2009

Images/text from:


By the Architects:

Contemporary version of a medieval donjon: Five-story wood construction made from prefabricated frame elements. The isolated mountain location mandates the greatest possible self-sufficiency.
The ambivalence between a sense of security and being exposed defines the building’s structure: below are the communal areas with surrounding ribbon glazing, above the closed sleeping quarters. The cascading spiral stairway opens panorama views when ascending, follows the course of the sun, captures the solar irradiation, and distributes the warmth of the sun throughout the entire house. 


Andrea Deplazes- En MCH

Deplazes's MCH Experience

  • Co-director MCH'2017, MCH'2018, MCH'2019
  • Workshop leader MCH'2010, MCH'2011, MCH'2012, MCH'2013
  • Workshop MCH’2017: “Depth studies”
  • Workshop MCH'2018: “Depth studies”
  • Workshop MCH'2019: “Depth studies”
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