Andrea Gimeno Sánchez is a PhD Student Marie Curie Fellowship in UrbanHist H2020 Research Program in the Swedish School of Planning BTH Karlskrona in Sweden. She is member of the Research Group on Collective Housing at the Polytechnic University of Madrid where she holds a Master in Advanced Architecture. Her research is focused in the shifting paradigms on collective housing from the 70's to the 90's and the neoliberal turn. Nowadays she is visiting researcher at ArkDes in Stockholm. She is co-founder of Rellam, a small design cooperative founded in 2012 that operates intermittently ever since from places like Valencia, Houston, Stockholm, Madrid, or Copenhagen. Their work has been awarded in several competition prizes and was exhibited in the Spanish Pavilion at the XV Architecture Biennale in Venice, the Instituto Valenciano del Arte Moderno IVAM or DAZ Deutsches Architekturzentrum.
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