ARCHITECT, from the Superior Technical School of Architecture Madrid ( ETSAM)- UPM, 2002

CAP (Certificate of pedagogic aptitude) , from the INSTITUTO CIENCAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN- UCM, 2003

POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA in Development of Human Settlements , UPM, 2003

DEA (Diploma of advanced studies), ETSAM- UPM, 2010


Educational background

2002-08 Fundación Cultural COAM, Courses on: Constructive technologies for a sustainable architecture; Technical building code (CTE); Tricalc.

2000 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Postgraduate Diploma in Development of Human Settlements

“Cooperation for the development of human settlements in the third world, instruments of urban planning and housing in Latin America and Africa", 140 hours.


Professional experience

2013 -pres. Director of the ICHaB (Instituto de Cooperación en Habitabilidad Básica- Development Institute on Basic Habitability), ETSAM, UPM

2002- 2014. Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Basic Habitability in the UPM

2010 Diagnosis of 82 schools in Port-au-Prince (Haití), for Entreculturas and Foi et Joie Haití, march 2010

Intermediate evaluation of the Agreement between CESAL and the AECID, 07-CO1-042 on "Basic Habitability" in Ecuador and Perú.

2002-2010 Associate Architect. Perelló-De Paz Architecs, Las Rozas, Madrid. Design & Management Responsible Ecodesign


Teaching experience

2002- pres. Associate professor (6+6), ETSAM (Superior Technical School of Architecture Madrid ) -UPM, from september 2012.

2007-16 Postgraduate Course on : “Cooperation for the development of human settlements in the third world, instruments of urban planning and housing in Latin America and Africa”, UPM, ICHaB, ETSAM, UNESCO Chair in Basic Habitability in the UPM. Coordination and class.

2006-13 Master in Collective Housing, UPM, ETSAM. Assistant professor in the Low-Cost Housing Workshop.

2012-16 Master in Technology for the Human Development and the Cooperation, UPMAssistant professor in the speciality of Basic Habitability

2012 I Postgraduate Course on 'Basic Habitability for the Social Integration. Instruments of territorial arrangement, plannings urban and housing', Universidad Nacional de Ingeniaría de Lima, Perú, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Arts, october-november 2012

2009-11 Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Development of the Universidad Pontificia de ComillasAssistant professor in the speciality of Basic Habitability

2006-16 Seminars and courses in the University Eduardo Mondlane, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Maputo, Mozambique; Catholic University Santiago de Guayaquil, School of Architecture, Guayaquil, Ecuador; University Antenor Orrego, School of Architecture, Truijillo, Peru; General Fundation of the UCM, Escuela Complutense de Verano; National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), Alcalá de Henares

Belén Gesto Links

Belén Gesto MCH Experience

  • ICHab-UPM Website

Assitant professor Anna Heringer Workshop. MCH'2018.

Specialty Leader: Low-Cost & Emergency Housing. MCH'2017, MCH'2018

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