-Scholarship at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura Venezia (IUAV) 1991-1992

-Architect Escuela Técnica Superior Arquitectura Madrid (ETSAM), Universidad Politécnica 1993

-Associate Professor Department of Architectural Projects E.T.S. Arquitectura Madrid (ETSAM) 1998-2006

-PhD (Doctor in Architecture) E.T.S. Arquitectura Madrid (ETSAM) 2004

-Extraordinary Prize Doctoral Thesis (ETSAM) 2003-2004

- PhD Coordinator Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) 2005-2009

-Interim Professor Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) 2006-2008

-Director of 12 doctoral thesis (3 thesis in progress and 9 thesis defended with the best grade) from 2006 to the present

-National Qualification as Professor with Permanent Tenure of Architectural Projects 2007

-Professor with Permanent Tenure Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) from 2008 to the present

-Deputy Director Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) 2008-2012

-Director Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) from September to December 2012

-Review of Projects in Architecture (Degree and Final Project). Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Campus Querétaro, México 2013

-Visiting profesor at the Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, First Semester 2015-2016

-Teaching and Research Stay at the Politecnico di Milano, Second Semester 2016-2017

-Visiting profesor at the Politecnico di Milano, Second Semester 2017-2018

Professionally associated with Rodrigo Pemjean since 1993

-1994. First Prize Competition “City Hall and Meeting Center in Madarcos, Madrid”. Built.

Outstanding publication in A+U Architecture and Urbanism, n. 331 April de 1998, pp. 60-71, 124. ISBN 00130-5-98119

-1994. Second Prize Competition “Cultural Centre in Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid”

-1995. First Prize Competition “80 Housing for Young People in El Escorial, Madrid”

-1995-1999. Rehabilitation of the “City Hall of Somosierra, Madrid”. Built

-1996. Third Prize Competition “Rodríguez de la Fuente Park, Burgos City Council”

-1996. Third Prize Competition “VPO in San Fermín, Madrid”. COAM and Madrid City Council

-1997. IV Spanish Architecture Biennal. Award with the City Hall of Madarcos.

-1997. First Prize Competition “200 Housing for students in Jaén. E. P. S. A.”

-1999. Exhibition Works and Projects MARTÍNEZ ARROYO + PEMJEAN. Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid

-1999. Community of Madrid Awards. Madarcos City Hall. First Prize for Aesthetics and Crafts Mention in the municipalities of

less than 25,000 inhabitants

-2002. First Prize Planning Awards COAM (Architects Association of Madrid) 2001 “Remodelling of San Roque Square in


-2004. First Prize Competition “Headquarters of the Architects Association and the Cultural Foundation COAL in Salamanca”

-2005. First Prize Competition “Museo Ventura Rodriguez in Ciempozuelos”

-2005. Special mentions of the jury (Lot 1 and Lot 6) “Design Competition to build 826 houses in Parla”

-2005. Third Prize Competition “Headquarters of the Architects Association of Madrid, Documentation Centre of Architecture

and Municipal Sport Centre”

-2008. Young Spanish Architects Exhibition (JAE) Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid with “Headquarters of the Architects

Association and the Cultural Foundation COAL in Salamanca” Ministry of Housing

-2009. Exhibition “7 Labyrinths from Madrid”. AEDES Gallery, Berlin.

-2009-2010. Construction of “Headquarters of the Architects Association and the Cultural Foundation COAL in Salamanca”

Outstanding publication in AV Monographs, num. 147-148, Spanish Architecture Yearbook 2011, January-April 2011, pp. 26

and 136-143. ISSN 0213-487X

-2010. Office renovation in the neighborhood of Peñagrande, Madrid. Built

-2016. XIII Spanish Architecture Biennal. Award with the book “Vivienda colectiva en España. Siglo XX (1929-1992). ISBN:


-2017-2018. Apartment renovation in the neighborhood of Chamberí, Madrid. Built

Lectures in Spain, Portugal, Mexico and Italy



-Scholarship at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura Venezia (IUAV) 1991-1992

-Architect Escuela Técnica Superior Arquitectura Madrid (ETSAM), Universidad Politécnica 1993

-Associate Professor Department of Architectural Projects E.T.S. Arquitectura Madrid (ETSAM) 1998-2006

-PhD (Doctor in Architecture) E.T.S. Arquitectura Madrid (ETSAM) 2004

-Extraordinary Prize Doctoral Thesis (ETSAM) 2003-2004

- PhD Coordinator Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) 2005-2009

-Interim Professor Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) 2006-2008

-Director of 12 doctoral thesis (3 thesis in progress and 9 thesis defended with the best grade) from 2006 to the present

-National Qualification as Professor with Permanent Tenure of Architectural Projects 2007

-Professor with Permanent Tenure Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) from 2008 to the present

-Deputy Director Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) 2008-2012

-Director Department of Architectural Projects (ETSAM) from September to December 2012

-Review of Projects in Architecture (Degree and Final Project). Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Campus Querétaro, México 2013

-Visiting profesor at the Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, First Semester 2015-2016

-Teaching and Research Stay at the Politecnico di Milano, Second Semester 2016-2017

-Visiting profesor at the Politecnico di Milano, Second Semester 2017-2018

Professionally associated with Rodrigo Pemjean since 1993

-1994. First Prize Competition “City Hall and Meeting Center in Madarcos, Madrid”. Built.

Outstanding publication in A+U Architecture and Urbanism, n. 331 April de 1998, pp. 60-71, 124. ISBN 00130-5-98119

-1994. Second Prize Competition “Cultural Centre in Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid”

-1995. First Prize Competition “80 Housing for Young People in El Escorial, Madrid”

-1995-1999. Rehabilitation of the “City Hall of Somosierra, Madrid”. Built

-1996. Third Prize Competition “Rodríguez de la Fuente Park, Burgos City Council”

-1996. Third Prize Competition “VPO in San Fermín, Madrid”. COAM and Madrid City Council

-1997. IV Spanish Architecture Biennal. Award with the City Hall of Madarcos.

-1997. First Prize Competition “200 Housing for students in Jaén. E. P. S. A.”

-1999. Exhibition Works and Projects MARTÍNEZ ARROYO + PEMJEAN. Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid

-1999. Community of Madrid Awards. Madarcos City Hall. First Prize for Aesthetics and Crafts Mention in the municipalities of

less than 25,000 inhabitants

-2002. First Prize Planning Awards COAM (Architects Association of Madrid) 2001 “Remodelling of San Roque Square in


-2004. First Prize Competition “Headquarters of the Architects Association and the Cultural Foundation COAL in Salamanca”

-2005. First Prize Competition “Museo Ventura Rodriguez in Ciempozuelos”

-2005. Special mentions of the jury (Lot 1 and Lot 6) “Design Competition to build 826 houses in Parla”

-2005. Third Prize Competition “Headquarters of the Architects Association of Madrid, Documentation Centre of Architecture

and Municipal Sport Centre”

-2008. Young Spanish Architects Exhibition (JAE) Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid with “Headquarters of the Architects

Association and the Cultural Foundation COAL in Salamanca” Ministry of Housing

-2009. Exhibition “7 Labyrinths from Madrid”. AEDES Gallery, Berlin.

-2009-2010. Construction of “Headquarters of the Architects Association and the Cultural Foundation COAL in Salamanca”

Outstanding publication in AV Monographs, num. 147-148, Spanish Architecture Yearbook 2011, January-April 2011, pp. 26

and 136-143. ISSN 0213-487X

-2010. Office renovation in the neighborhood of Peñagrande, Madrid. Built

-2016. XIII Spanish Architecture Biennal. Award with the book “Vivienda colectiva en España. Siglo XX (1929-1992). ISBN:


-2017-2018. Apartment renovation in the neighborhood of Chamberí, Madrid. Built

Lectures in Spain, Portugal, Mexico and Italy

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