Diego Garcia-Setien (PhD) is a practicing Architect and associate professor in Architectural Design at the ETSAM, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.

Since graduation in 2000, he has taught Architectural Design Studio in different Schools, in both undergrad & graduate programs. He has also taught internationally in Arizona State University, and the Master in Collective Housing (UPMadrid) since its opening in 2006.

His doctoral research culminated with a dissertation on “Architecture as a Technical Object”, focusing on technology transfer as the means to industrialize modern architecture.

He was cofounder and principal of ecosistema urbano [2004-07] an internationally awarded practice (Architectural Review Awards for Emergent architects, Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction, Mies van der Rohe European Awards, etc), among whose projects, the Bioclimatic EcoBoulevard, was especially noticed for its innovative and ecological approach, its natural-artificial interplay, its reversible strategy and environmental performance.

In 2007 he cofounded GaSSz Architects Associated -soon acknowledged with the Opera Prima Award [COAM,2007]. It is an open and collaborative structure, where architecture is understood as the integration of different and complex realms into beautiful eco-techno-systems mediating between humans and the environment.

Gassz Arquitectos
Construction & Technology
Asistente, Workshop Anne Lacaton
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