Tomeu Ramis Frontera, Aixa del Rey García and Bárbara Vich Arrom, all three born in Palma de Mallorca and graduated as architects from the ETSAB (UPC, Barcelona), founded FLEXOARQUITECTURA in 2002 in Barcelona. From December 2016 on, FLEXOARQUITECTURA is formed by Tomeu Ramis and Aixa del Rey. 

They have been prizewinners in many competitions and their work has been published, exhibited and awarded in numerous occasions, among them; Exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale  in two occasions; 2012 (Catalan Pavillion) and 2016 (Spanish Pavillion), Finalist at the “Mallorca architecture awards 2014-2016”, 1st prize at the “AJAC IX awards 2014"”, Nominated for the "European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe 2013", Nominated for the "Iakov Chernikhov arward 2012", Finalist at the “Arquia/Próxima awards 2012”, 1st prize at the “Ciutat de Palma architecture awards 2012”, Finalist at the “V ENOR awards 2011”, Shortlisted at the “FAD awards 2011”, Shortlisted at the “Spanish Architecture Biennal BEAU Xl, 2011”, 1st prize at the “Mallorca architecture awards 2007-2011”1st prize at the “Menorca architecture awards 2004-2008”, published at the  "2G Dossier. Young Spanish architects" dossier.

Tomeu Ramis has taught in Barcelona at BAU-Vic University (Bcn, 2001-05), Istituto Europeo di Design (Bcn, 2006-07), La Salle-Ramon Llull (Bcn, 2005-08), ETSAB-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Bcn, 2009-10), ETH-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zürich, 2011-12), IASAP-Illinois Architecture Study Abroad Program (Bcn, 2014-15) and SREDA Master Program “Building the city now” (Saint Petersburg, 2015), ESARQ-UIC (2014-2020), UNIVERSITÀ KORE DI ENNA (Sicily 2017-2019) and FAD's (Foment Arts Decoratives) board membre. He is currently associated Professor at ETSAV-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Bcn 2007-) 

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