Architecture degree from the “Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura” of Madrid. Urbanism National Award 2005 and 2006 Gubbio European Award granted by the “Associazione Nazionale Centri Storico-Artistici de Italia” and European Urban and Regional Planning Award by the European Council of Spatial Planners, Commitee of the European Union Regions. Professor of Urban Project at the Escuela de Arquitectura of Francisco de Vitoria University, professor of Territorial Politics Master at Universidad Carlos III of Madrid and professor of the Executive Program of Real State of IE Business School.
In the professional sphere, she has work on world heritage spanish cities Masterplans like Burgos, Segovia or Cordoba. Methodologist of `Madrid Centro´ Strategic Project 2012, Iberoamerican Bienal of Architecture and Urbanism First Award on Reserarch.
She is author and coordinator of the Regional Plans of Menorca (Unesco Biosphere Reserve. National Urbanism Award), Lanzarote (Unesco Biosphere Reserve), Gernika (Unesco Biosphere Reserve), Durango, East Almería, among others. Also, she has been involved in coordination of the Master Plans of Guadalajara, Logroño, Talavera de la Reina, Puertollano, Parla; Urban Projects of Castellana Prolongation, Regeneration of the Military Instalations of Campamento in Madrid, North Alcorcón (Madrid), Fuentelucha (Alcobendas, Madrid) and El Bojar (Cantabria)
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MCH Executive Assistant
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Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Avda. Juan Herrera 4. 28040, Madrid. Spain