Laura Jeschke is a Landscape Architect (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), and has a Masters Degree in Landscape from the Universidad Politecnica Madrid (UPM). She is currently working on her PhD thesis "Low cost landscape" at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning ETSAM (UPM), in collaboration with the Institute of Landscape Architecture (ILA), BOKU, Vienna.
She lives and works in Madrid and Berlin. Her work deals with the planning and design of public space and urban green areas.
She is currently teaching at the Bachelor Program for Landscape Architecture of the University Rey Juan Carlos Madrid.
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Directores MCH
Dr. José María de Lapuerta y Dr. Elli Mosayebi
Manager MCH
Camilo Meneses
MCH Executive Assistant
Celia Ramón
teléfono:+34 910 674 860 // +34 689 74 68 54
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Avda. Juan Herrera 4. 28040, Madrid. Spain