Dr. Luis Willumsen has over 40 years of experience as a consultant, transport modeller and planner. He is an internationally recognised authority in Transport and Traffic modelling. He is co-author of “Modelling Transport” a book published by Wiley and now in its fourth edition; it has also translated into Spanish and Italian. He has also published “Better Traffic and Revenue Forecasting”, dealing with the critical task of delivering demand and revenue projections for transport concessions. 

He was a researcher and lecturer at the Catholic University of Chile, Leeds University and University College London. He is also Visiting Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering at University College London.

He was a Board Director of Steer Davies Gleave, a British transport consultancy, for 20 years leaving in 2010 to develop his own consultancy. He is Director of Willumsen Advisory Services and of Nommon Solutions and Technologies, a Spanish company specialised in the use of smartcard and mobile phone data to deliver useful transport insights. Through both companies he has focussed his work on the future impact of new mobility on the environment and inequality and how best to deal with deep uncertainty and risk in decision making.

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