Urban planner and co-founder of 300.000 Km/s

My professional activity has been related in the last 10 years to urban planning and public policies focusing on the application of ‘New Data Technologies’ to urban disruptions related to digitisation, climate crisis and civic engagement. In particular, I have advised major local authorities (Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Metropolitan Authority) and the most innovative companies in the field of Smart City in Spain (BBVA Data & Analytics) widening my perspective on the challenges faced by both public and private sector.

As the co-founder of 300.000 Km/s (a think tank awarded with EU Commission S+T+ARTS Prize and Best 2019 Spanish Urban Planning Practice), I have elaborated strategic studies, reports, diagnoses, guidelines, data observatories and master plans in the field of environmental health, regulation of economic activity, new forms of mobility, housing vulnerability, data and digital divide, among others.

I have also coordinated several participatory workshops for both professionals and non-specialised public. I am a pioneer in Spain in the use of open data for urban policies (Associate from the Open Data Institute) and the fostering of digital/data skills among citizenship. I have collaborated as an expert in the round tables of Spanish and Catalan 2030 Urban Agendas.

I have also a broad teaching experience at all levels (undergraduate and graduate) lecturing in several international faculties (EPFL Lausanne, Welsh School of Architecture, TU Braunschweig, School of Architecture of Barcelona, IAAC, among others) and public institutions. I have written several scientific publications and other articles for a wide public published in relevant national and international reviews and media (Wired, City Lab).

300.000 Km/s
300.000 Km/s
Urban design & Landscape
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