Margarita Barañano is Ph.D. in Sociology by the Complutense University of Madrid. She holds a Degree in Political Sociology and graduated in Political Science and Sociology by Complutense University of Madrid with first class honours.

Currently she is Associate Professor of Sociology and Head of the Departament of Applied Sociology  at Complutense University of Madrid

She is also Co-Head of the Research Group of Contemporary Socio-Cultural Studies [Grupo de Investigación de Estudios Socio-culturales Contemporáneos (GRESCO)], Member of the Board of the Isabel de España University College, Secretary of the Research Committee of Sociological Theory, Spanish Federation of Sociology, and Member of the Feminist Research Institute, UCM, and of the Complutense Institute for the Study of Contemporary Social Tranformations, TRANSOC, UCM.

She has participated in more than 20 scientific projects funded in competitive research programs, 13 of them of more than two years, as well as direction of four of them, one of which took place within a European project. In total, since the course 2000-2001, she has participated in competitive projects almost continuously.

Margarita Barañano has published or coordinated the edition of 9 books and 3 special issues in impact journals, most recently in 2016 with Professor Sabrina Marchetti. Another special issue is in progress. The study of the neighborhood of Ambassadors received the Award of the FSI in 2006.

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