Patricia Ocaña (Madrid 1988)  studied Architecture and Urban Planning at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) where she founded with some colleagues the student university organization for cooperation and development (ACetsam), responsible of bringing to the university context conferences, workshops and discussions about cooperation and development. She has worked in Nepal after the earthquakes from 2015 with the French NGO Architecture et Développement. After that she did the Masters level course Shelter & Settlements in emergencies after Natural Disasters, previously known as Shelter Technical Training (STT) with the  IFRC + Centre for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP) at Oxford Brookes University. Since then has been focusing on Shelter as her main field of interest, but is as well attracted by various other themes such as cash transfer, gender or livelihoods. 

In her position as consultant with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Patricia works in the Shelter and Settlements team. She supports the capturing, storing and sharing of humanitarian knowledge, analyzing information received from IOM's field as well as providing surge support to field staff as and when required. She also works in close coordination with field missions by reviewing project proposals as part of the endorsement process.

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