Salvador Rueda holds a degree in Biology and Psychology. Plus a Diploma in Environmental Engineering and Energy Management. He was the Director of the Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona, since its founding on June 5, 2000. He has held management positions in the Departments of Environment of the Generalitat of Catalonia (1992-2000), the City of Barcelona (1986-1992 ) and the City of San Adrian de Besos (1980-1986).

He was member of the Expert Committee on Urban Environment of the European Union (DGXI) from March 1994 to 1998. He wrote numerous scientific and technical on urban planning. He was speaker in national and international conferences, as well as in master's degrees and postgraduate courses.

He is expert in the following areas: strategic plans and planning, urban planning, green urbanism, mobility, public space, urban metabolism (energy, water, air pollution, noise and waste) and social cohesion.

He is the author of the books:

  • Urban Ecology: Barcelona and its metropolitan region as a reference. Ed. Beta Publisher (1995)
  • Barcelona, a Mediterranean city, compact and complex. A vision of more sustainable future, Ed. Ayuntamiento de Barcelona (2002)

He is chief editor and coordinator:

  • Green Paper on Urban and Local Sustainability in the Age of Information. Ed. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (2012)
  • Ecological Urbanism: their application in the design of a ecobarrio in Figueres. Ed. Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona (2012)
  • ecological urbanism. Editors: Mohsen Mostafavi, Gareth Doherty, RotoVision. Section "A holistic perspective of the urban phenomenon" (2014; original English version 2010).
  • Methodological Guide for auditing systems, certification or accreditation of quality and sustainability in the Urban. Ed. Ministry of Public Works (2012)

The most important work coordinated by Mr. Rueda recently (2015) are as follows:

  • Urban Mobility Plan Barcelona (Spain)
  • Urban Regeneration Plan of the Historic Center of Quito (Ecuador)
  • Manual Public Space Design Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • Participation in Urban Planning of the enlargement of the Great Moscow (Russia)
  • Evaluation of the Urban Master Plan a neighborhood in Toulouse (France)

"In one hand, ‎urban sustainability is proposing a new conceptual, methodological and instrumental framework for building more sustainable urban models. But in the other hand, we need to articulate a new strategy based on information and knowledge development. Both urban models are needed and, indeed, they need each other. This is what ?SmartCities? really are: information and sustainability"
- Salvador Rueda

Urban Design & Landscape
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