A collective housing PERSPECTIVE of some concentrates from 20th and 21st century and a PROSPECTIVE with arguments for 21st century
Under this heading different research experiences of the twentieth and twenty first centuries are gathered in terms of collective housing that were developed in the ambiguous exploratory territory between theory and discipline. They constitute true tactical patterns, inventories of ways of doing that are the result of collectively generated wisdom. They materialize the perfect coexistence of being and doing, which rests in each of the materializations that are brought here and that we now distinguish as paradigms.
These experiences are observed from the watchtower of the present with the purpose of extracting indications for the collective dwelling that today is inhabited and on which one wishes to investigate. The immanent of these projects and processes of the past are filtered with the sieve of social, cultural, political and economic reality of today to elaborate an own plot territory that focuses on the persistence of dwelling.
These architectures are conceived as transmitters of knowledge, like constructed manuals that are returned time and time again with the hope of gathering the data that help to understand the recurrent dynamics around the collective habitat, always focused on the production of a space of reference in which individual identities, while retaining their autonomy, can find correspondence.
The research concentrates presented here include the foundations of knowledge and action that are perpetuated in the cyclical process of sedimentation of the know-how that is to project, build and inhabit collective housing.
In the prospective section we will investigate new lines of argument to find out the question of what and how domestic space of 21st century should be.
Interests fields of contemporary housing focus on values that directly or tangentially have to do with the understanding of the house and its extensions as "urban mother cell" that is, everything local and apparently restricted to domestic scale influences and it is influenced by the urban / territorial context that contains it.
It is understood that, as a society, a better environment can be made from domestic space, with more light, more ventilation or an optimal spatial performance. It is also thought that ignorance, cultural habits, inability to access funding or the right professionals should not be obstacles for any user to enjoy a place suited to their housing needs.
Case Studies Coursework
The Housing Theory module is proposed as a journey through two parallel itineraries that are displayed simultaneously:
In the first of them, explained by the professors, are exposed cases and exemplary events around collective housing in Europe in 20th and 21st century that are framed in their historical, economic, political and social context. They have been grouped around theoretical foci such as the construction of urban fabric through the grouping of housing cells, the interrelation between housing and needs, the analysis of typological issues, the search for communities, the depth of technological issues, or the questions of pure identity.
The second, assigned to students, deals with contemporary projects, made in the 21st century, selected as examples that put into practice the accumulated experience of almost a century of history of project about inhabiting collectively.
The crossing of these two itineraries is the moment of maximum interest: confluence of contents that favors cross reflection between teachers and students, transversal thinking in the approach of concepts, interrelation of ideas and discourses in the methodology to the collective housing project.
The case study work will have the format of a small research work that will let to know a project of collective housing from 21st century. It will be done by pairs and will analyze one of the listed projects below, in a fixed format. In this way all analytical studies can be easily compared. Each group will accumulate documentation (drawings, films, photomontages, or texts and critiques) and analyze them focus on five scales and points of view:
- Historical and Cultural Context. 15 photographs with its correspondent captions
- Urban. Scale 1/4500. Morphology, construction of urban fabric and volume
- Block. Scale 1/300. Access system, collective spaces and thresholds interior-exterior
- Cell Unit. Scale 1/100. Organization of the dwelling, spatially and functionally
- Construction. Scale 1/50. Technology used in the facade.
The analysis, done through the aforementioned drawings, will be explained in an additional text of 2.000 words that will include maps and diagrams.
The way of presenting the research is mainly based on redrawing the project to understand it as deep as possible. We will use the technique developed by GICVO in their CVI (Cuadernos de Vivienda) that it will be given to the students the first day.
Case Studies
Thursday, 21.03.2019
15.30 - 17:00 Carmen Espegel. Introduction to the Course
17.00 - 18:00 Peter Ebner. Housing+Urban
18.30 - 19.00 Break
19.30 - 20.30 Peter Ebner. Housing+Needs
Friday, 22.03.2019
15.30 - 16:30 Peter Ebner. Housing+Typologie
16.30 - 17.00 Debate
17.00 - 17.30 Break
17.30 - 19.00 Carmen Espegel. Housing+Typologie. Maison Clarté
19.00 - 20.30 Debate Peter Ebner+Carmen Espegel
Friday, 29.03.2019
15.00 - 17.30 Carmen Espegel. Housing+Urban: Casa de las Flores versus Casa Bloc. Visit to Casa de las Flores.
17.30 - 18.00 Break to arrive at ETSAM
18.30 - 19.30 Carmen Espegel. Casa Bloc Barcelona
19.30 - 20.30 First presentation of case studies: bibliography and first drawings.
Friday, 05.04.2019
15.30 - 17:00 Carmen Espegel. Housing+Commons. Frankfurt am Main.
17.00 - 17.30 Break
17.30 - 19.00 Daniel Movilla. Towards the new communist society. The transition house Narkomfin by Ginzburg
19.00 - 20.30 Debate with Daniel Movilla.
Friday, 24.05.2018
15.30 - 17:00 Carmen Espegel. Housing+Technology. L’Unité d’Habitation and Lake Shore Drive
17.00 - 18.30 Carmen Espegel. Housing+Technology. Torres Blancas and Coll del Portell
18:30 - 20.30 Corrections of case studies: Drawings+Texts.
Friday, 31.05.2018
15.30 - 17:00 Carmen Espegel. Housing+Identity. Halenites and Wallenites.
17.00 - 17.30 Break
17:30 - 18:30 Carmen Espegel. Contemporary Housing Exigences
18:30 - 20:30 Final Presentations of case studies.
A.A.V.V. Floor Plan Manual Housing. Basilea, Birkhäuser, 2011.
A.A.V.V. Nuevos modos de habitar. Valencia, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de la Comunidad Valenciana, 1996.
A.A.V.V. Bath Views: Fujimori, Inui, Fujimoto, Ishigami, Torafu, Nagayama. Tokyo, Publisher Toto, 2009.
a+t, “Housing and Flexibility”, nº8, 1996.
a+t, “Housing and Flexibility”, nº12, 1998.
AMC Le moniteur architecture, nº76, 1996.
Arquitectura Ibérica, “Habitar”, nº35, Casal de Cambra, Caleidoscópio, 2010.
Arquitectura Viva, "Residential Pieces". nº97, 2004.
Arquitectura Viva, "Normal Housing", nº114, 20017.
Arquitectura Viva, “Affordable Houses”, nº122, 2008.
Arquitectos, “Vivienda”, nº176, 2004.
PPA. “Habitat and Inhabit”, nº9, 2013.
Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, “Estenosis”, nº202, 1993.
Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, "Housing: new urban ideas", nº211, 1996
Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, "Forum international Barcelona 96", nº213, 1997.
ÁBALOS, Iñaki. La buena vida. Visita guiada a las casas de la modernidad. Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2000.
ÁBALOS, Iñaki; Herreros, Juan. “Una nueva naturalidad (7 micromanifiestos).” 2G, nº22, 2012.
AMBASZ, Emilio (Ed.). Italy: The New Domestic Landscape. Achievements and Problems of Italian Design. Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1972.
Arc en Rêve Centre d’Architecture (Ed). New forms of collective housing in Europe. Basilea, Birkhäuser, 2009.
Arkrit Laboratorio de Crítica. Instrumentos de proyecto. Concurso VIVA-SEPES. Madrid, SEPES, 2009.
ARRIBAS, Irma. Export Barcelona: social housing in urban context. Barcelona, Dpr-Barcelona, 2013.
AVERMAETE, Tom. “The spaces of the everyday. A dialogue between Monique Eleb and Jean-Philippe Vassal.” OASE, nº69, 2006.
BAHAMÓN, Alejandro; SANJINÉS, Mª Camila. Alta densidad / High density. Barcelona, Parramón, 2008.
BEIGEL, Florian. Architecture Research Unit. Recycled landscapes. Madrid, Fundación Cultural COAM, 2002.
BERGHAUSER PONT, Meta; HAUPT, Per. Spacemate: the spatial logic of urban density. Delft, DUP Science, 2004.
BIJLSMA, Like; GROENLAND, Jochem. The intermediate size: a handbook for collective dwellings. Ámsterdam, SUN, 2006.
BOEIJENGA, Jelte; MENSINK, Jeroen. Vinex atlas. Ámsterdam, Nai Publishers, 2008.
BROTO, Carles. Residential architecture. Barcelona, Monsa, 1997.
CÁNOVAS, Andrés; ESPEGEL, Carmen et ál. Collective Housing in Spain 1992-2015). Valencia, General de Ediciones de Arquitectura, 2016.
CÁNOVAS, Andrés; ESPEGEL, Carmen et ál. Collective Housing in Spain XX Century (1929-1992). Valencia, General de Ediciones de Arquitectura, 2013.
CHOI, Binna. The Grand Domestic Revolution Goes on. Utrecht, Casco, Office for Art, Design and Theory, 2010.
COLOMINA, Beatriz. Domesticity at war. Barcelona, Cambridge (Massachusetts), Mit Press, 2007.
COLQUHOUN, Ian. Riba book of British housing. 1900 to the present day. Ámsterdam, Elsevier, 2008.
CORNELISSEN, Hans (Ed). Dwelling as a figure of thought. Ámsterdam, SUN, 2005.
COSTA, Sergi. High density housing: Arquitectura Urbana Vertical. Barcelona-México, Reditar, 2009.
DEHAN, Philippe. “Le parcours du logement très social” AMC Le moniteur architecture, nº67, 1995.
DORSMAN, Erik; VAN GAMEREN, Dick. Intense Laagbouw. Groningen, GRAS, 2009.
DREXLER, Hans; EL KHOULI, Sebastian. Holistic housing: Concepts, Design Strategies and Processes. Detail, 2012.
DRUOT, Frédéric; LACATON, Anne; VASSAL, Jean-Philippe. Plus. Large-Scale Housing Development. Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2007.
EBERLE, Dietmar; GLASER, Marie Antoinette (Eds). Wir wohnen. Wohnen – Im Wechselspiel zwischen öffentlich und privat. Sulgen, Niggli Verlag, 2009.
EBERLE, Dietmar; SIMMENDINGER, Pia. From city to house. Zurich, GTA Verlag, 2007.
EBNER, Peter. Housing is back 01: architekten beziehen position zum wohnungsbau. Viena, Springer Verlag, 2006.
EBNER, Peter. Housing Moves On: Architects and Their Views. Viena, Springer Verlag, 2009.
EBNER, Peter. Typology +. Basilea, Birkhäuser, 2010.
EBNER, Peter; KLAFFKE, Julius. Living Streets. Access Galleries in Residential Buildings. Viena, Springer Verlag, 2009.
ELEB, Monique. L’habitation en projets: de la France a L’Europe: Europan France 1989. Liege, Pierre Mardaga, 1990.
ELEB-VIDAL, Monique; SIMON, Philippe. Rapport entre confort, désir et normes: le logement contemporain (1995-2010). París, Ministère de l’Ecologie, de l’Energie, du Developpement Durable et de la Mer, 2012.
PER, Aurora; MOZAS, Javier. Density. New collective housing. (Condensed edition). Vitoria-Gasteiz, a+t, 2006.
PER, Aurora; MOZAS, Javier; ARPA, Javier. Dbook. Density, data, diagrams, dwelling: a visual analysis of 64 collective housing projects. Vitoria-Gasteiz, a+t, 2007.
PER, Aurora; ARPA, Javier. Density projects. 36 new concepts on collective housing. Vitoria-Gasteiz, a+t, 2007.
PER, Aurora; MOZAS, Javier; ARPA, Javier. HoCo: Density housing construction & costs. Vitoria-Gasteiz, a+t, 2009.
PER, Aurora; ARPA, Javier. Next: Collective housing in progress. Density, intensity, uses, location, types, details. Vitoria-Gasteiz, a+t, 2010.
PER, Aurora; MOZAS, Javier; ARPA, Javier. Density is home. Vitoria-Gasteiz, a+t, 2011.
PER, Aurora; MOZAS, Javier; SANZ, Alejandro. 10 Stories of Collective Housing. Graphicall Analysis of Inspiring Masterpieces. Vitoria-Gasteiz, a+t, 2013.
FARINA, Milena (Ed). Housing Conference. Ricerche emergenti sull tema dell’habitare. Roma, Gangemi, 2009.
FARINA, Milena (Ed). Studi sulla casa urbana. Sperimentazione e temi di progetto. Roma, Gangemi, 2009.
FARINA, Milena. Spazi e figure dell’habitare. Il progetto della residenza contemporanea in Olanda. Macerata, Quodlibet, 2012.
FIRLEY, Eric; STAHL, Caroline. The urban housing handbook. Nueva York, John Wiley, 2009.
FÖRSTER, Wolfgang. Housing in the 20th and 21st centuries. Nueva York, Prestel, 2006.
FRENCH, Hilary. New Urban Housing. London, Laurence King Publishing, 2006.
FRENCH, Hilary. Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century. London, Laurence King Publishing, 2008.
FUERTES, Pere; MONTEYS, Xavier. Casa collage. Un ensayo sobre la arquitectura de la casa. Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2001.
FUJIMOTO, Sou. 2G, nº50, 2009.
GAUSA, Manuel. Housing: New Alternatives, New Systems. Basilea, Birkhaüser / Actar, 1999.
GAUSA, Manuel; DEVESA, Ricardo (Eds). Otra mirada. Posiciones contra crónicas. La acción crítica como reactivo en la arquitectura española reciente. Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2010.
GAUSA, Manuel; SALAZAR, Jaime. Housing+Singular Housing. Barcelona, Actar, 2002.
GELSOMINO, Luisella; MARINONI, Ottorino. European Housing Concepts 1990-2010. Bolonia, Editrice Compositori, 2010.
GIMÉNEZ, Antonio; MONZONÍS, Conchi (Eds). Collective Housing 2. Alboraya, Pencil, 2005.
GIMÉNEZ, Antonio; MONZONÍS, Conchi (Eds). Collective Housing 4. Alboraya, Pencil, 2007.
GONZÁLEZ DE CANALES, Francisco. Experiments With Life Itself. Barcelona, Actar, 2012.
GUALLART, Vicente (Ed). Sociopolis: Project for a City of Future. Barcelona, Actar, 2004.
HABRAKEN, N. John. Supports: an Alternative to Mass Housing. London, Urban International P., 1972.
HECKMANN, Oliver. Floor manual housing. Basel, Birkhäuser, 2011.
HERNÁNDEZ, Juan A. (Ed). Madrid in progress. Developing social housing. Turín, Humberto Allemandi, 2008.
HERREROS, Juan (Coord). Housing and Domestic Space in the XXI century. Madrid, La Casa Encendida, 2008.
KOMOSSA, Susanne et ál. Atlas of the Dutch urban block. Bussum, Thoth, 2005.
KOMOSSA, Susanne. The Dutch urban block and the public realm. Models, rules, ideals. Róterdam, Vantilt, 2010.
KOOLHAAS, Rem (Ed.). Elements of Architecture. Biennale di Venezia, 2014.
KREBS, Jan. Basics. Design and living. Basilea, Birkhäuser, 2007.
LAPUERTA, José Mª (Ed). Collective Housing: A Manual. Barcelona, Actar, 2007.
LÉGER, Jean-Michel. Dernier domiciles connus. Enquête sur les nouveaux logements, 1970-1990. París, Créaphis, 1990.
LEUPEN, Bernard. Frame and generic space. A study into the changeable dwelling proceeding from the permanent. Róterdam, 010 Publishers, 2006.
LEUPEN, Bernard; MOOIJ, Harald. Housing design. A manual. Róterdam, Nai Publishers, 2011.
LLEÓ, Blanca. Informe Habitar. Madrid, EMVS, 2006.
LLEÓ, Blanca. Sueño de habitar. Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2005.
MELOTTO, Bruno; PIERINI, Orsina Simona. Housing primer. Le forme della residenza nella città contemporánea. Segrate, Maggioli, 2012.
MILLER LANE, Barbara. Housing and dwelling. Perspectives on modern domestic architecture. Oxford, Taylor & Francis, 2007.
MONTANER, Josep Mª. La arquitectura de la vivienda colectiva. Barcelona, Editorial Reverté, 2015.
MONTANER, Josep Mª; MUXÍ, Zaida; H. FALAGÁN, David. Herramientas para habitar el presente: La vivienda del siglo XXI. Barcelona, Máster Laboratorio de la Vivienda S. XXI, 2011.
MONTANER, Josep Mª. Habitar el presente. Vivienda en España. Sociedad, ciudad, tecnología y recursos. Madrid, Ministerio de Vivienda, 2006.
MONTEYS, Xavier. La habitación. Más allá de la sala de estar. Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2014.
MONTEYS, Xavier et ál. Rehabitar en nueve episodios. Madrid, Lampreave, 2012.
MONTEYS, Xavier. “¡Distribución es un término demasiado estrecho!” Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, nº250, 2006.
MONTEYS, Xavier. “¿Y el techo?” Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, nº258, 2009.
MONTEYS, Xavier. “¿Y si la piezas de una vivienda están situadas en un local discontinuo?” Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, nº253, 2007.
MONTEYS, Xavier. “Café, copa y puro.” Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, nº256, 2007.
MONTEYS, Xavier. “K pasa tíos!! Vocabulario de la habitación.” Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, nº251, 2006.
MONTEYS, Xavier. “Rehabitar. El arte de aprovechar las sobras.” Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, nº259, 2009.
MORALES, José. La disolución de la estancia. Madrid, Rueda, 2005.
MORALES, José; GILES, Sara de. MGM Morales Giles Mariscal. 2G, nº51, 2009.
MORNEMENT, Adam; BILES, Annabel (Eds). New houses for urban sites. London, Laurence King Publ., 2009.
MOYA, Luis (Ed). La vivienda social en Europa. Alemania, Francia y Países Bajos desde 1945. Madrid, Mairea, 2008.
MOYA, Luis. Social housing and city. Madrid, Ministerio de la Vivienda, 2010.
MOYA, Luis. Vivienda reducida. Madrid, Mairea, 2007.
DE ARCE, Rodrigo. Domicilio urbano. Santiago de Chile, ARQ, 2006.
PALLASMAA, Juhani. Habitar, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2016.
PEREMIQUEL, Francesc (Ed). Vivienda: innovación y proyecto. Barcelona, COAC, 2000.
PICH-AGUILERA, Felip; BATLLE, Teresa. “El problema de la vivienda, una asignatura pendiente.” Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, nº221, 1998.
PIELTAIN, Alberto. “La tradición esencial. Bloques de viviendas en Nüziders, Austria. Baumschlager y Eberle.” Arquitectura Viva, nº64, 1999.
PIZARRO, Mª José; RUEDA, Óscar. “Sobre la vivienda pública.” Arquitectura, nº356, 2009.
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CABRERO, Gabriel; M. BLAS, Sergio. “El pisito 2011. Residenza e forma urbana in Spagna: esperienze recenti.” Lotus, nº148, 2011.
CABRERO, Gabriel; M. BLAS, Sergio. Casas en Holanda. Madrid, Mairea, 2010.
CABRERO, Gabriel; M. BLAS, Sergio. Casas en Suiza. Madrid, Mairea, 2012.
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REALE, Luca. La residenza collettiva. Tipologie edilizie. Nápoles, Sistemi Editoriali, 2015.
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RODRÍGUEZ-TARDUCHY, Mª José; BISBAL, Ignacio; ONTIVEROS, Emilio. Forma y ciudad. En los límites de la arquitectura y el urbanismo. Madrid, Cinter, 2011.
SCHITTICH, Christian (Ed). High-density housing: Concepts, Planning and Construction. Detail, 2004.
SCHITTICH, Christian (Ed). Best of housing, Detail, 2012.
SCHNEIDER, Friederike. Atlas de plantas. Viviendas (3ª Ed). Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2006.
SCHNEIDER, Tatjana; TILL, Jeremy. Flexible housing. Ámsterdam, Elsevier, 2007.
SCOFFIER, Richard. “Enveloppes actives. L’abitare nella Parigi doggi.” Lotus, nº148, 2011.
SEGANTINI, Maria Alessandra. Atlante dell’abitare contemporaneo. Milán, Skira, 2008.
SOMOZA, Yolanda. Vivienda colectiva, vivienda protegida. A Coruña, Edicións Espontáneas, 2008.
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STEINEMAN, Ramias; MATEO, Josep Lluís (Eds). Global housing projects. 25 buildings since 1980. Barcelona, Actar, 2008.
TEYSSOT, Georges. A topology of everyday constellations. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013.
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ZUCCHI, Cino. “Schermi abitati. Individuo e tipo nell’Housing contemporáneo.” Lotus, nº132, 2007.
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