For the current edition of the MCH we have planned study trips to different neigborhoods and collective housing buildings of Madrid in order to study and urdestand these places in terms of collectivity and urban dynamics.
Until now, we have visited the PAU's (Programa de Actuación Urbanística) of Sanchinarro, Vallecas and also Carabanchel, where the students could have an approximation to different manners of collective housing development. Also, we have visited some of the most relevant housing projects of Madrid such as Torres Blancas, Casa de las Flores, among others.
The study trips to Madrid are part of the module of Housing Projects of the MCH, and they are guided by architects Carmen Espegel and Esperanza Campaña.
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MCH Directors
Dr. José María de Lapuerta and Dr. Elli Mosayebi
MCH Manager
Camilo Meneses
MCH Executive Assistant
Celia Ramón
phone:+34 910 674 860 // +34 689 74 68 54
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Avda. Juan Herrera 4. 28040, Madrid. Spain