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The Master in Collective Housing edits this scholarships’ programme one more year to participate in the Master in Collective Housing during its 14th Edition (MCH2022).

The goal of this call is to promote architecture professionals’ training in excellence, in order to give response to a growing demand of professionals within the residential issues all over the world.


Eligible candidates

The scholarship is addressed to outstanding architects from all countries willing to increase their knowledge and research field in collective housing and high-density cities, and able to demonstrate outstanding skills developing projects in the time given.

Those fulfilling the following requirements are invited to apply for the Excellence Scholarship:

  • Holding an official degree as architects.
  • Being successfully admitted for MCH2022 before the scholarship application's deadline.
  • Having an extraordinary Portfolio and Academic Record.
  • Not having economic or any other impediments to complete the whole Master’s programme.



The scholarship offered will grant one of the applicants with a 50% discount (9.650 €) in the total MCH2022 Tuition fee (19.300 €).


Documents to provide

  • Apply form, stating "Excellence Scholarship" in the comments field.
  • CV, Portfolio, motivation letter and two recommendation letters, as part of the attachments to the Apply form.

By mail to, subject "Excellence Scholarship"

  • Scanned copy of University Diploma as architect.
  • Scanned copy of the Academic Transcript.
  • Any other further documents that the applicant considers relevant in order to obtain the scholarship, such as research projects, language certificates, proof of awards won, publications, exhibitions,...



  • Announcement’s opening date: April 15th, 2021.
  • Announcement’s closing date: August 27th, 2021.
  • Announcement of results, by mail to each applicant: till October 1st, 2021.


  • Applications received will initially be evaluated for admission to MCH2022. That admission evaluation will take place some days after receiving each individual application, and the candidate will get the admission result in a maximum of two weeks time.
  • Candidates admitted to MCH2022 who are applying to the Excellence Scholarship and fulfill the Excellence standards requested, will be shortlisted. Their profile will be evaluated again in September 2021, and they will only know if they are granted with the Excellence Scholarship in October 2021.
  • Those candidates admitted to MCH2022 who are not meeting the Excellence standards requested for the Excellence Scholarship will be taken out of the scholarship application process before October 2021. They will be personally contacted by mail.


Evaluation Criteria

The Admission and Scholarships’ Committee will consider the following criteria in order to grant the Excellence Scholarship:

  • Quality of the application documents, with special attention to the graphic portfolio.
  • CV, motivation letter and recommendation letters.
  • University where the Architect Diploma was obtained
  • Academic Record
  • General impression obtained through the application process, specially the personal interview.
  • Previous working experience.
  • Further academic and professional achievements and/or personal status credited by the applicant.

Master in Collective Housing UPM/ETH

The Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing is a professional and international postgraduate programme that is developed on a full-time basis, dealing with advanced architectural design in the city and housing. It is designed and taught jointly by the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH).


The application period for MCH2022 is already opened, and it will remain so till 31.01.2022 or until vacancies are filled. 


For more information, click here!

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