Cover Photo: DL+A
When the Spanish poet and playwright, Lope de Vega, in his "Rimas humanas y divinas del licenciado Tomé de Burguillos" writes "Dark draft and light verse", he seems to be describing characteristics that can be applied to architectural sketches, to their ambiguous, unfinished nature, in the process of creation.
The change of the century has turned my first published book El Croquis, Proyecto y Arquitectura into a vintage one. During the previous 5 centuries, architectural sketches were made with drawing instruments on paper, allowing Renaissance architects to create a new way of practicingour profession, not being permanently on site and tackling several projects in one lifetime.
Photo: Mendelsohn Sketch
Photo: Eisenman Sketch
How can the new architectural sketches, produced on screens, keep some of their useful characteristics? and, how can they be improved today?
The current architectural sketches should produce today, as in the past:
Admitting that the old characteristics of old architectural sketches, those dealing with their drawing instruments, their supports, or their size, are no longer important in our screen drawings, the design of the necessary software has still a long way to go. I am not talking about programs able to imitate the aold sketch on the screen. It isalso not about the infinite possibilities offered by parametric programs. I'm talking about the constant search for tools to produce the best architecture, the best tools to communicate with the rest of the team, perhaps now spread all over.
If thoughts are still directy linked with the way they are expressed or formulated, the graphic media will continue to play a vital role for the architect in the future.
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