Architect and educator, he is Adjunct Professor of Architectural Projects at ETSA Madrid, and has been Unit Master Professor at the Architectural Association of London. He studied architecture at ETSAMadrid and TUDelft and has been guest lecturer at Politecnico di Milano in Italy and Hochschule Coburg in Germany.


He is co-director of the Madrid’s office TallerDE2 together with Arantza Ozaeta. They have won and realized national and international competitions, and been recognized with the COAM-Luis Mansilla, as the best work done by Madrid’s architect abroad; the German award Bauwelt-Preis, to the best first constructed work; or the Europe 40under40, awarded from the European Centre. His work has been published on numerous occasions in magazines such as A+U, Arquitectura Viva, A10, Bauwelt, Detail or Domus.

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