Oscar García holds a PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in 1999, where he is also a Full-Professor. He is the Vice-president of the Center for Industrial Electronics (CEI-UPM). He has participated in several international technical committees and he has been the Chairman of the SAAEI’13 conference.


He has received several awards, UPM Research and Development Award for faculty under 35 in year 2003; UPM Innovation in Education Award in year 2005; and Semikron Innovation award in 2012.


His main area of research is power electronics. In this area, he has been involved in more than 70 research projects, he holds 8 patents and he has published more than 180 technical papers in scientific journals. His expertise in energy conversion has been applied to various sectors such as medical, industrial, telecommunication, defense and aerospace.

City Sciences
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