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Some posts ago, we saw how artists and architects defined a profession as complex and important as architecture, but in today's post, we are going to give even more shape to this subject showing you the best quotes of architecture made by some of the most famous architects of history.  


Famous quotes from architects, inspirational architectural quotes... if you are in love with this discipline, these phrases about architecture will help you to impulse your creativity, vision, and love for the profession of architecture.

The best architecture quotes 

Here you can find our selection of architecture quotes. A collection of 15 inspiring architectural quotes that we hope will help you open your mind about your profession and your new projects. 


  • "By dint of building well, you get to be a good architect" - Aristotle
  • “Beauty perishes in life, but is immortal in art” - Leonardo da Vinci
  • “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness” - Frank Gehry
  • “The job of the architect today is to create beautiful buildings. That's all” - Philip Johnson
  • “Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light” -  Le Corbusier
  • “As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past for a future which is essentially unknown” - Norman Foster
  • "My work is not about "form follows function," but "form follows beauty" or, even better, "form follows feminine" - Oscar Niemeyer
  • “There are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature. Therefore, buildings must have no straight lines or sharp corners” - Antonio Gaudi
  • “When I’m working on a problem, I never think about its beauty, I just think about how to solve the problem, but when I finish it, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it’s wrong.” - Richard Buckminster Fuller
  • "If a project is intense, valid, and has a powerful idea, its imperfections will be in the background" - Alberto Campo Baeza
  • “Early in my career...I had to choose between an honest arrogance and a hypercritical humility... I deliberately choose an honest arrogance, and I've never been sorry” -  Frank Lloyd Wright
  • “We should attempt to bring nature, houses, and human beings together in a higher unity” - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
  • "Any architectural work that does not express serenity is an error" - Luis Barragán
  • “The difference between good and bad architecture is the time you spend on it” - David Chipperfield
  • "Architecture is a way of thinking about the world very similar in structure to writing a book, since both disciplines represent the same field and domain" - Rem Koolhaas

Here are our 15 favorite architecture quotes! We hope you have found surprising and inspiring quotes and, leave us a comment about which is your favorite. See you in the next post!

Master in Collective Housing UPM/ETH

Next edition of the MAS in Collective Housing will start in January 2020, the application period is opened till 31.12.2019 or until vacancies are filled. 
The Master of Architecture in Collective HousingMCH, is a postgraduate full-time international professional program of advanced architecture design in cities and housing presented by Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM) and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH).  Apply now!
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