Instructor and master in vocational training (1994 Glueckstadt, Germany), with more than 25 years experience in the humanitarian work in responses to disasters and conflicts. He worked with NGO like Médicos sin Fronteras, Acción contra el Hambre, Intermon Oxfam as Logistician, Coordinator, WASH expert, Consultant, trainer and researcher in Nicaragua, Sahara Occidental, Irak, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Guatemala, Belize, Ecuador, Panamá, México, Dominican Republic, Tanzania, Georgia, Colombia, Palestine, Sudan, Kenya, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Uganda and Yemen.
Since 2006 he works as freelance consultant and trainer, organizing courses in humanitarian logistics and WASH with his enterprise FLASH.
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MCH Directors
Dr. José María de Lapuerta and Dr. Elli Mosayebi
MCH Manager
Camilo Meneses
MCH Executive Assistant
Celia Ramón
phone:+34 910 674 860 // +34 689 74 68 54
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Avda. Juan Herrera 4. 28040, Madrid. Spain