Architect & PhD in Architectural and Urban Design at Polytechnic of Milano, where she is Adjuct professor, she lives between Italy & Spain and is Associate professor in University of Sevilla. She participates in international seminars, conferences and published many articles and books about architecture, rehabilitation, public space & landscape. General Director of Building and Urban Renewal and Architecture of the Regional Government in Andalusia (2012-15) and Director of Contemporary Architectural Foundation (2003-12). She owns from 1997 a professional studio in Milan & Córdoba and obtained many awards with works published in Abitare, Casabella, Domus. In 2018 Redaelli is co-founder and President of the PAX – Patios de la Axerquia Association, an innovative governance experimented in Córdoba, of Urban Regeneration with Social Innovation as anti-gentrification strategy.


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