Anna Puigjaner is a PhD architect, researcher and editor. Co-founder of MAIO, an architectural office that works on flexible systems where notions such as variation, ephemeral or ad hoc, permit theoretical positions materialize. Member of the research group Habitar at ETSAB – UPC. Her PhD research is focused on New York’s kitchenless apartments with collective housekeeping services and related urban utopias. She is currently in charge of running the magazine Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme and teaching at the Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB/ETSAV - UPC and Massana School of Design. She has also lectured in GSAPP, Columbia University, Madrid School of Architecture ETSAM-UPM and Brussels School of Architecture UCL-LOCI, among other univeristies. MAIO is currently completing the construction of two urban public spaces, about to start the construction of a housing block in Barcelona, and curating a Weekend Special for the next Biennale di Venezia 2014, among other projects. Their work has been published in magazines such as Domus, AIT, Volume, Blueprint, A10 and Detail; and awarded several times, among which stands out: FAD Award 2013, XII BEAU, Arquia/Proxima Award 2012 and 2010, and New Working Fields Award CSCAE 2009.

Housing practice

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Anna Puigjaner MCH Experience

  • Guest professor at Energy & Sustainability MCH'2018
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