PhD in Environmental Engeneering. Technical University of Madrid. (Jan.14–Dec. 18).
Thesis title: "Into the smoke: A research on household air pollution and climate impacts of biomass cookstoves in Senegal". Research awarded with the Research Grants in Energy and Environment of the Iberdrola Foundation.
Master in Technology for Human Development and Cooperation. Technical University of Madrid. (Sept. 11 – Oct. 13).
Degree in Chemical Engineering. University of Santiago de Compostela. (Sept. 05 – Jul.11).
Erasmus Programme. Superior National School of Chemistry of Rennes, France. (Sept. 10- Jul.11).
Jul. 18 – Present. Sustainable development consultant and researcher.
-German Cooperation Agency (GIZ). Review and adaptation to the Latin American context of the conceptual framework and indicators of the "Cooking Energy System" tool, designed to evaluate the impacts derived from the implementation of clean energy systems for cooking in impoverished countries.
-COPADE Foundation. Measurement of the social footprint on small producers and the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals of companies in the agri-food sector.
Feb. 16 – Dec. 18. Innovation and Technology for Development Center. itdUPM.
-Specialist in energy, design and evaluation in the "Encasa Oaxaca" Program. Other participating organizations: Foundation, ACCIONA Microenergía México and National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
-Social and Environmental Impact Assessment Specialist in the LIFE Project: Lugo+Biodinámico, project for the design of sustainable urban planning strategies in the city of Lugo. Other participating organizations: Lugo City Council and University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).
-Coordinator of the project "Strengthening the Latin American Clean Stove Network". Other participating organizations: National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
-Specialist in air pollution and climate change in the "Study sector of improved stoves in the semi-arid region of Brazil". Other participating organizations: Brazilian Development and Sustainability Institute (IABS) and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Oct.11-Dec.17. Group for co-operation in organization, quality and environment, Technical University of Madrid (GOCMA-UPM).
-Design of an intervention strategy for the promotion of clean energy for cooking in Nicaragua. Other participating organizations: ONGAWA, Engineering for Human Development.
-Energy for cooking specialist and field coordinator in the evaluation of a promotion initiative of clean energy for cooking. Project SAGE (Food Safety and Environmental Management) in Senegal,The Gambia and Guinea Bissau. Other participating organizations: Alliance for Solidarity and Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal).
- Field coordinator of the project "Measuring impacts: renewable energies and human development in Senegal". Other participating organizations: ONGAWA, Engineering for Human Development and Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal
Nov. 18- present. "Barriers, opportunities, good practices and recommendations to increaseand sustain the participation of women in STEM careers". Group on Sustainable Organizations (GIOS), UPM.
Jan. 18 - present: "Air pollution and climate change impacts of urban agriculture in the city of Madrid, Spain" . ItdUPM, ForoAgrario Foundation, Madrid City Council and Research Centre on Energy, Environment and Transports(CIEMAT).
Sept. 13 – Dec. 17: "Analysis of atmospheric pollution reduction and climate change mitigation of improved stoves in Senegal". Doctoral Thesis. itdUPM, Cheick Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal) and Institute of Environmental Sciences and Water Research, IDAEA, Spanish Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC).
Oct. 11 – Jul. 12: "Study Impact of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects on human development in Brazil" itdUPM and Federal University of Bahía (Brazil).
de la Sota, C., Ruffato, V., Ruiz, L., Álvarez, S. Urban green infrastructure as a strategy of climate change mitigation. A case study in northern Spain. Urban Forestry and urban greening. In press.
de la Sota, C., Oquendo, V., Ruiz, L. LIFE Lugo+Biodynamic Project: Design of a multiecological neighborhood as a model of urban resilience. (Proyecto LIFE Lugo+Biodinámico. Así se diseña un barrio multi-ecológico como modelo de resiliencia urbana.) Revista Ciudad Sostenible, nº34.
de la Sota, C., Viana, M., Kane, M., Youm, I., Masera, O., Lumbreras, J. Quantification of carbonaceous aerosol emissions from cookstoves in Senegal. Aerosol and air quality research. In press.
de la Sota, C., Lumbreras, J., Perez, N., Ealo, M., , Kane, M., Youm, I., Viana, M. Indoor air pollution from biomass cookstoves in rural Senegal. Energy for Sustainable Development. 43 (2018) 224-234.
Mazorra, J., Lumbreras, J., Fernández, L., de la Sota, C. Gender, climate change and energy access in developing countries: state of the art. In: Understanding Climate Change through Gender Relations. ISBN-13: 978-1138957671.
de la Sota, C. Partnerships for innovation in access to basic services. (Alianzas para la innovación en el acceso a servicios básicos). Revista española del tercer sector.2014 Nº28 ISSN:1386-0400 Madrid (pp. 179-182).
Fernández, L., de la Sota, C., Silveira J.C., Lumbreras J., Mazorra, J. 2014. Social sustainable development benefits of hydroelectricity CDM projects in Brazil. Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.21:3,246-258.
de la Sota, C., Mazorra Aguiar, J.; Martínez, R. 2013. Measuring Impacts. Renewable energy in Senegal: map of actors and initiatives. (Midiendo Impactos. Energías Renovables en Senegal: Mapa de actores e iniciativas). ISBN: 978-84-695-8476-7.
de la Sota, C., Mazorra, J.; Lumbreras, J.; Martínez, R. 2013. Measuring Impacts. Evaluation of energetic models: 8 case studies. (Midiendo Impactos. Evaluación de modelos energéticos: 8 casos prácticos). ISBN: 978-84-695-8477-4.
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