Daniel Movilla Vega is an associate professor of architecture and the director of doctoral studies at Umeå School of Architecture, Sweden. At the department, he chairs the research group for Swedish Housing Studies (SHS) and leads the design studio Radical Domesticities in the master’s program. His research focuses on housing and the architecture of domestic space, encompassing architectural design, architectural history and theory, and critical studies. Before joining Umeå, he held positions as a postdoctoral research fellow at LTU in Sweden (2017–2018), a researcher at Madrid ETSAM (2008–2012), and visiting researcher at TU Delft (2012–2013), Columbia University (2013–2014), MARKhI (2014), FAU-USP (2015), NTNU (2016), and ArkDes (2016–2017). He studied architecture at Madrid ETSAM, where he also earned his PhD in Architectural Design.

Housing theory
Other professors
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