Daniel Sarasa holds a Master of Telecommunications Engineering (MEng) by the Universidad de Zaragoza and a Master in City Sciences by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). 

He is now a PhD candidate in Advanced Architectural Projects at the UPM.

On the professional front, Daniel is the co-author of Zaragoza's digital agenda 2012-2015: "Towards a Smart Citizenship".

At Zaragoza City Council his role so far has been to architect some of the foundations of the city’s innovation strategy and launch some of the city's most innovative projects, such as "Etopia Center for Arts and Technology", the city-wide Wi-Fi network, or three of the city's public business incubators. He has recently been appointed as Director of the Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation.

Daniel develops an intense international agenda, both as a speaker and as digital ambassador of the city. 

He is currently Chair of the Data Working Group at Eurocities' Knowledge Society Forum and the main editor at

City Sciences
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