Flavio Tejada completed his MSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Cantabria. He also extended his formation including an Architectural Design Program at UNC Charlotte (USA) and a Master's degree in Executive Real Estate Business Management (MDNI), ICADE-ICAI. He has given courses and lectures at universities in Spain, Europe and America.


Flavio works as Master Planning & Urban Design Practice Leader for ARUP in Europe Region. During his career, Flavio has worked in several parts of the world, including in the Europe, Middle East, LATAM and United States. Experienced in working with local standards and cultures, he is able to manage large multidisciplinary teams from concept to implementation. Flavio's team has identified new methods of city planning, management & development, approaching the socioeconomic and environmental challenges of XXI century territories from an innovative perspective.

Urban design & Landscap
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