Ludek Sýkora (1965) is professor at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. His research work focuses on urban change in postsocialist cities, impacts of globalization on urban transformations, processes of metropolitan change such as suburbanization, neighborhood changes such as gentrification, processes and localities of segregation, inter-cultural interaction in immigrant neighborhoods, metropolisation and polycentric development in settlement systems, small and medium sized towns, urban real estate development, national and municipal housing and housing policy, urban policies and urban planning and the role of public sector, private actors and citizens and social movements in urban development. In his applied research and consultancy he worked for the European Commission, national government ministries (Regional Development, Labor and Social Affairs, Internal Affairs), national government agencies (Czech Development Agency, Agency for Social Exclusion), local governments, business sector and NGOs. He also served at advisory boards with the Ministry for Regional Development and the City of Prague.
Within the Charles University organization and management, he is currently member of the Board for Internal Evaluation and Board for Kampus Albertov. In past he served as vice-dean at the Faculty of Science, member of academic senates of both Charles University and Faculty of Science and member of the Scientific Board of Faculty of Science. He also acted as member of scientific board of Prešov University, Slovakia, and currently is member of working group for Earth Sciences of Accreditation Commission of the Slovak Republic.
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