Zaida Muxí was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1964, where she obtained her architectural degree in 1988; she obtained her PhD in Architecture at the University of Seville, Spain, in 2002. She has lived in Barcelona since 1990. Since 2003 she has been a Professor in the Planning Department at the School of Architecture of Barcelona. Her doctoral dissertation, “La arquitectura de la ciudad global” (“Architecture in the global city”), was published by Gustavo Gili (2004) and by NOBUKO (Buenos Aires, 2009). She has been invited to lecture in numerous cities worldwide. She is now focusing her research on three main areas: gender studies in planning and architecture; dwellings and neighbourhoods, and the impact of globalization on urban fabric (social and building).

Since July 2015, she is leading the urbanism department at Santa Coloma de Gramenet townhall.

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